Number Properties
K.70/10Compatible with tablets/phones
K.90/20Compatible with tablets/phones
K.100/15Compatible with tablets/phones
K.110/15Compatible with tablets/phones
K.120/10Compatible with tablets/phones
K.130/20Compatible with tablets/phones
K.460/10Compatible with tablets/phones
1.40/10Compatible with tablets/phones
1.110/10Compatible with tablets/phones
1.120/20Compatible with tablets/phones
1.130/15Compatible with tablets/phones
1.140/15Compatible with tablets/phones
1.150/10Compatible with tablets/phones
1.160/20Compatible with tablets/phones
1.180/10Compatible with tablets/phones
1.190/20Compatible with tablets/phones
1.200/15Compatible with tablets/phones
1.210/20Compatible with tablets/phones
1.220/15Compatible with tablets/phones
1.240/15Compatible with tablets/phones
1.500/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.70/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.80/15Compatible with tablets/phones
2.100/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.160/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.170/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.180/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.460/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.470/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.480/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.490/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.500/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.510/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.520/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.540/15Compatible with tablets/phones
2.550/15Compatible with tablets/phones
2.560/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.670/10Compatible with tablets/phones
2.680/20Compatible with tablets/phones
2.710/15Compatible with tablets/phones
2.760/15Compatible with tablets/phones
2.770/15Compatible with tablets/phones
3.10/10Compatible with tablets/phones
3.20/10Compatible with tablets/phones
3.80/15Compatible with tablets/phones
3.300/10Compatible with tablets/phones
3.310/20Compatible with tablets/phones
3.460/10Compatible with tablets/phones
3.470/15Compatible with tablets/phones
3.490/20Compatible with tablets/phones
3.500/15Compatible with tablets/phones
3.630/10Compatible with tablets/phones
3.740/15Compatible with tablets/phones
3.750/15Compatible with tablets/phones
4.160/20Compatible with tablets/phones
4.180/20Compatible with tablets/phones
4.190/20Compatible with tablets/phones
4.200/20Compatible with tablets/phones
4.360/15Compatible with tablets/phones
4.370/15Compatible with tablets/phones
4.450/10Compatible with tablets/phones
4.460/15Compatible with tablets/phones
4.540/20Compatible with tablets/phones
4.810/10Compatible with tablets/phones
4.850/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.140/15Compatible with tablets/phones
5.170/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.200/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.210/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.220/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.510/10Compatible with tablets/phones
5.620/20Compatible with tablets/phones
5.630/25Compatible with tablets/phones
5.640/15Compatible with tablets/phones
5.670/15Compatible with tablets/phones
5.680/15Compatible with tablets/phones
5.740/10Compatible with tablets/phones
5.900/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.140/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.350/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.610/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.630/10Compatible with tablets/phones
6.640/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.650/15Compatible with tablets/phones
6.660/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.970/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.980/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.990/20Compatible with tablets/phones
6.1010/15Compatible with tablets/phones
6.1110/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.100/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.110/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.120/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.170/5Compatible with tablets/phones
7.180/5Compatible with tablets/phones
7.520/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.550/20Compatible with tablets/phones
7.560/15Compatible with tablets/phones
7.690/10Compatible with tablets/phones
7.720/5Compatible with tablets/phones
7.800/15Compatible with tablets/phones
7.830/15Compatible with tablets/phones
8.120/10Compatible with tablets/phones
8.510/15Compatible with tablets/phones
8.530/5Compatible with tablets/phones
8.750/10Compatible with tablets/phones
8.1000/15Compatible with tablets/phones
8.1060/10Compatible with tablets/phones
British Columbia Mathematics Curriculum
Working with number properties is a skill that seems as if it should be simple. But at more advanced grade levels, topics such as negative numbers, exponents, or rational and irrational numbers can make the subject feel intimidating. Don’t worry – Math Games is here to make practicing math fun again!
Our accessible and engaging online games are free to use, fun to play, and enable students to easily review skills such as:
- Identifying even, odd, prime and composite numbers
- Choosing equivalent decimals and fractions
- Solving square roots and estimating cube roots
- Multiplying and dividing using exponents
- Understanding integers and identifying rational and irrational numbers
Our site allows teachers and parents to monitor student progress, receive assessment reports, create assignments, and print out worksheets. Our games are compatible with computers and mobile devices, and automatically adapt to suit students’ needs. Click on one of the skills above to start taking advantage of our free tools!